These 4th Grade “I Can” Checklists are designed to easily track standards taught in the classroom.

This is another free “I Can” Common Core resource from The Curriculum Corner.
Add these 4th grade I Can checklists to your collection of standards resources.
Our common core standards checklists are just what you need to help you keep track of the standards taught in your classroom.
These 4th Grade “I Can” Checklists are designed to easily track standards taught in the classroom.
This is another free “I Can” Common Core resource from The Curriculum Corner.
Add these 4th grade I Can checklists to your collection of standards resources.
Our common core standards checklists are just what you need to help you keep track of the standards taught in your classroom.
Our common core standards checklists are just what you need to help you keep track of the standards taught in your classroom. Use these to make sure you are addressing all that you need to teach throughout the course of the school year. Keep track of when you have introduced, retaught and assessed each indicator.
The most important parts of the common core are the anchor standards that carry through from kindergarten to high school. These have been included with each language arts checklist so that you don’t lose sight of your essential goals for teaching and learning.
***Please keep in mind that these checklists are more to be used as a system of checks and balances in your teaching for the year and not so much a “check off” sheet for these indicators to be checked and thought of as “done”. You will be teaching so many of these concepts during your small groups and one-on-one conferencing each and every day.
The checklists are available in two formats:
- an editable Excel spreadsheet where you can type your dates and/or notes in the boxes
- printable PDF for writing in your info
**Note – you may have to play around with your margins to get them to print just the way you want them.
The first two resources are the more in depth explanatory standards provided on You may want to print them and keep them in the front of a data binder for reference.
The first set of checklists have been created using the 4th grade CCSS checklists as they are found on and a second resource has been created using the I Can statements we created. Choose whichever suits your needs the best!
4th Grade “I Can” Common Core Checklists
CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice
Fourth Grade CCSS Checklist for ELA (Editable Excel) PDF
Fourth Grade CCSS Checklist for Math (Editable Excel) PDF
Fourth Grade CCSS “I Can” Checklist for ELA (Editable Excel) PDF
Fourth Grade CCSS “I Can” Checklist for Math (Editable Excel) PDF
You will find our complete, 4th Grade Common Core collection here:
Everything “I Can” for 4th Grade
Looking for additional “I Can” resources? Start here:

As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Alison Pope
Monday 1st of October 2018
Good afternoon,
I was hoping to edit the fields at the top and it looks like it is protected. Do you know how I can slightly change my boxes at the top?
Jill & Cathy
Monday 29th of October 2018
Hi Alison! So sorry, but we don't provide these in an editable version on our site for various reasons, but you can find all the grade levels in a completely editable format in our Teachers Pay Teachers store for a small fee. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Thursday 15th of March 2018
These are amazing! I am an Educational Therapist for every grade k-12, and this REALLY simplifies the process of determining the standards my students need to achieve in each grade. Thank you so much!!! Is there a way to get the Excel docs to not be "protected" so I can copy and paste the standards into a tracking doc of my own?
Jill & Cathy
Saturday 17th of March 2018
Hi Jamie! So glad that you like our checklists. Because we have had to deal with people taking our work, changing the formatting a bit and selling them on TPT for a profit, we had to protect the documents. After getting advice from TPT, we placed our spreadsheets on that site in an unlocked version (to prove that we are the original authors) for a small price. Unfortunately, the ones on our site will remain locked, but fortunately you can get them to copy and paste in our TPT store. :)
Sandra Hacker
Saturday 14th of October 2017
I might have missed this but is there a reason some are in red and other just in black?
Jill & Cathy
Friday 3rd of November 2017
Hi Sandra, The indicators are dark red, but the standards should all be in black. We looked through the PDFs and didn't see any that were all red. Would you mind sharing with us where you saw some that were all red? Thank you!
Friday 11th of November 2016
Thanks for this tool. I was about to start typing out the list when I thought, "somebody has probably already done this." You came up #1 on the search.
Monday 13th of June 2016
I have used your statements in my classroom for several years and love them. I felt like they have held me accountable. Now that we have moved away from common core, do you have a modified list? Thanks!
Jill & Cathy
Tuesday 14th of June 2016
Hi Sandy! So sorry, but we do not have any new updates for our common core resources to support the changes that many states are implementing. Each state has its own unique standards and we would have to write the "I Cans" and create the checklists for each of the 50 states individually for the resources to be valid. Unfortunately right now that is not our focus. So very sorry. :(