The Curriculum Corner provides a range of subtraction timed tests for math fact practice in the classroom and at home.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
Our subtraction timed tests for math fact mastery are below.
We have recently combined our subtraction timed tests. All timed tests are now available here.
If you are looking for the original pages that are available for download by family, those are now located at the very bottom of this post.

Why should students memorize math facts?
There are often debates about the need for students to master basic facts. With calculators, phones and tablets readily available to students, many question the need for students to spend time memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
We believe that math fact mastery can benefit students and is worth the time required.
We have updated our collection of subtraction timed tests that can be used in the classroom or at home. We have included three pages for each set of facts (0 – 12) so that students who are working on the same set can be next to each other during testing. Sets are in three downloads below.
We have provided the tests in both horizontal and vertical forms .
Download our full set of subtraction timed tests here:
- Horizontal Set (25 problems per page)
- Vertical Set (25 problems per page)
- Subtraction Facts Review (100 problems per page – horizontal & vertical provided)
- Math Fact Tracking Pages
- 25 Mixed Subtraction Facts
**Note: We have provided sets of facts all the way through 12, but because many states only require mastery of subtraction facts through 10, the individual sets up through 10 ONLY incorporate facts to 10. They do NOT contain 11s and 12s. The 100 problem pages come in four different versions…0-5, 6-10, 0-10 & 0-12.
Looking for ways to help students practice their subtraction facts? Start here to find printable practice pages, centers and more:

Original Subtraction Fact Downloads:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Fall Subtraction Match (w/ and w/out regrouping) - The Curriculum Corner 123
Monday 16th of September 2019
[…] Subtraction Timed Tests […]
Sunday 12th of May 2019
Do you have addition and. subtraction facts based on strategy?
Jill & Cathy
Monday 13th of May 2019
Hi Talia,
We have doubles and doubles + 1 sets. Here is the link:
We also have a PowerPoint review game:
Hope this helps!
1s Facts - The Curriculum Corner 123
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
[…] These timed tests were redesigned in February of 2016. The new version includes 12s facts and is available in one download. You will find the new resources here: Updated Subtraction Timed Tests […]
3s Facts - The Curriculum Corner 123
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
[…] These timed tests were redesigned in February of 2016. The new version includes 12s facts and is available in one download. You will find the new resources here: Updated Subtraction Timed Tests […]
4s Facts - The Curriculum Corner 123
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
[…] These timed tests were redesigned in February of 2016. The new version includes 12s facts and is available in one download. You will find the new resources here: Updated Subtraction Timed Tests […]