Download these free Goldilocks color key addition pages to help your children work on addition facts.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.
We have created these free Goldilocks color key addition pages for fun math practice during your fairy tale study.
Fairy tales are a common focus in first and second grade classrooms. Children enjoy studying these stories and there is so much to learn about reading and writing.
If you are currently working on fairy tales, these could be a fun addition to your learning.
Because we have created four different pages, you can allow children to choose the design they like best.

About these Goldilocks Color Key Addition Pages
You will find four different worksheets.
Each worksheet gives students practice with addition facts with sums up to 10.
You might want to encourage students to color in the crayons before they begin. This will allow you to check and make sure students are able to read the colors correctly.
Next, students can either write in the answers in the spots or begin by coloring.
When finished, these are designed to be cut out if desired.
Children can cut on the bold lines. Next, they can roll them (similar to the size of a toilet paper roll.) Have students glue.
These can then be used as puppets to reenact the story. Or, extend the art part of this lesson by encouraging children to make a backdrop – possibly in a shoe box using different art materials.
This might be a fun way to get students hooked on continuing to explore fairy tales.
You can download this free math PDF here:
Looking for other fairy tale resources to add to your collection? Try these freebies:
Thank you to SareBear for the color key clip art.
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.