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Welcome to The Curriculum Corner where you will find tips and tricks for those of you wondering


writing workshop

We believe that a writing workshop approach is a wonderful way to get your writers to fall in love with writing. Not only can children learn to love writing with the help of an effective workshop, they can also become better writers.

Find the resources you need on The Curriculum Corner.

If you are new to workshop, be sure to start with the basics.

Planning A Dynamic Writing Workshop

We have created a guide to help you learn how to create a dynamic writing workshop. This guide contains a step by step process to help you as begin your writing journey.

You will find this guide here:

Planning for a Dynamic Writing Workshop: How to create a writing workshop that adapts to your writers' needs.
A Step by Step Guide to Creating a Dynamic Writing Workshop

For those of you already familiar with writing workshop, you will find valuable resources to help you with your planning and implementation below.

Editable Writing Management Binder
Blank Books for Authors
writing continuums for assessing writers
Writing Continuums

Why blank books? We find that children who are given books to write in begin to believe they are authors.

A blank sheet of paper filled with lines can be overwhelming for the child not yet confident in their writing abilities. However, hand a child a book with the opportunity to draw and add words and you will have an instant author.

It’s amazing how one simple change in the materials you provide can have such an impact on the writing of your students!

The key to creating an effective writing workshop is a strong launching unit of study. This launching unit will create a structure and set of procedures that will help your writers throughout the year.

Download this free unit of study here:

Learn How to Launch an Effective Writing Workshop with this Unit of Study

Useful Tools for Teachers

The heart of an effective workshop is conferencing.

Writing conferences are a time for you to get to know your students as writers. They are an opportunity to learn about the strengths of your writers. Also, they will be how you get to know what each writer needs.

Resources to Help with Conferencing

Writing conference guide for those new to conferencing.

Strategies and resources to help reluctant writers.

Writing strategies menus to guide your instruction.

Writing Resources & Units of Study

Our writing workshop resources are divided into categories below.

Within our collection you will find an assortment of complete units of study. Each unit of study contains mini-lessons, anchor charts, graphic organizers and everything else you will need to help you get started.

Writing intervention resources, seasonal lined papers and photo prompts will help when you need to find new ways to engage your students.

Language skills can be taught with our variety of centers, group activities (such as SCOOT) and PowerPoint games.

Writing workshop can seem overwhelming when you first begin. It seems like there is so much to learn.

However, as you begin creating and implementing your workshop, we predict you will grow to love the approach as we do.

Workshop gives your student an opportunity to grow as writers like no other approach to writing.

You will see the pride in the eyes of your blossoming writers. They will soon be begging for workshop to begin!