Practice this math problem solving strategy, Make a Table to Solve a Problem, with the help of these free printable problems.
Download this make a table to solve a problem set of word problems for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade math students.
These worksheets will be a helpful addition to your problem solving collection.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.

Looking to help your students learn to make a table to solve a problem?
This math problem solving strategy can be practiced with this set of resources.
Math Problem Solving Strategies
This is one in a series of resources to help you focus on specific problem solving strategies in the classroom.
Within this download, we are offering you a range of word problems for practice.
Each page provided contains a single problem solving word problem.
Below each story problem you will find a set of four steps for students to follow when finding the answer.
This set will focus on the make a table strategy for math problem solving.
What are the 4 problem solving steps?
After carefully reading the problem, students will:
- Step 1: Circle the math words.
- Step 2: Ask yourself: Do I understand the problem?
- Step 3: Solve the problem using words and pictures below.
- Step 4: Share the answer along with explaining why the answer makes sense.
Draw a Table to Solve a Problem Word Work Questions
The problems within this post help children to see how they can make a table when working on problem solving.
These problems are for first and second grade students.
Within this collection you will find nine different problems.
You will easily be able to create additional problems using the wording below as a base.
With these word problems students are encouraged to draw pictures, but then to take it a step further by putting the information into a table to help answer the questions.
This is a great start to showing students how to organize information as a necessary step in problem solving.
The problems include the following selections:
- Fixing Bikes
- Flower Petals
- Lovely Ladybugs
- Spider Legs
- Triangles
- Feet and Inches
- Counting Nickels
- Counting Dimes
- Counting Quarters
- Quarters in a Dollar
You can download this set of Make a Table to Solve a Problem pages here:
You might also be interested in the following free resources:
- Draw a Picture to Solve a Problem
- Write a Number Sentence to Solve a Problem
- Addition & Subtraction Word Problem Strategies
- Fall Problem Solving
- Winter Problem Solving
- Spring Problem Solving
- Summer Problem Solving
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
chona obregon
Monday 28th of December 2020
Nice worksheets. Thank you for sharing it to us.
Jill & Cathy
Monday 1st of February 2021
You're welcome!
Tammy Nicholson
Friday 19th of July 2013
Love your worksheets! Thanks so much!
Thursday 11th of July 2013
Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your website and the wealth of activities, checklists, games, center ideas, etc. that are contained in your website. I also appreciate you sharing these things without charging. Thank you for helping educators make a difference in the lives of the students we teach.
Wednesday 10th of July 2013
I love the simplicity of these for my class. I plan to add them to my learning centers. Thank you for sharing them.
Saturday 29th of June 2013
These are great and will be very useful to me! Thank you.