These Beach Themed Counting Coins Boom Cards are a self checking digital task card resource for children learning to count pennies, nickels and dimes.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
Try these Beach Themed Counting Coins Boom Cards for a fun way to practice counting pennies, nickels and dimes.
These are great both for classroom centers and distance learning!
What are Boom Cards?
You will find this free digital task card deck on Boom Learning.
Not familiar with Boom Cards? Hop on over to Boom Learning and take a look!
They are digital task cards that are self checking. These cards are engaging for students but also provide data for teachers.
There are both free and paid resources on Boom Learning. All of the decks we share on The Curriculum Corner will be free.
To get started, you will need to set up an account at Boom Learning. There is a free account that is smaller and accounts where you can set up individual assignments for your students. If you are looking at the paid subscriptions, we feel that they are very affordable – less than $20 for a whole year.
(We don’t earn any money from you signing up for Boom Learning or using our decks there, we just believe that it is a good program at a good price for teachers!)

Apple Sentences Boom Cards
Are you students working on identifying and counting coins? Try this new Boom Card Deck for a fun way to practice!
There are a total of 28 rotating slides. Students will be asked to identify the coins on some slides. On other slides, children will find the value of a small group of coins. All amounts are less than fifty cents.
On some slides, students will look at the picture and click the correct coin name. The front and backs of pennies, nickels and dimes are shown.
On the other slides, students will be shown a grouping of coins. Children will need to count to find the value.
The slides where students find the value of the coins require students to type in the amount in the blank box.
After clicking submit, students will be told if their answers are correct or incorrect. Children will be given the opportunity to correct their answer when responded incorrectly.
When students share the correct answer, they will receive a correct ding plus the answer will be circled.
When students share the wrong answer, they will receive a buzzer plus a red mark through the answer.
Students are given cards in a random order so each play will be different. Each play will give students a mixture of 15 cards.
One thing we love about Boom Cards is that they share data with the teacher after play.
Please send us your feedback on how this game works for you. We welcome any suggestions!
You can find these Beach Counting Coins Boom Cards here:
Looking for other counting resources? Try these:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.