This set of free Camping Multiplication BUMP! Games have been created to help your students work on mastering their multiplication facts.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
We’ve created this camping themed multiplication BUMP! game set to give your students engaging math fact practice in your classroom this spring.
This set is perfect for when you are looking to add a little themed math fact practice to your camping themed classroom. The games are decorated with camping clip art.
Camping is always a fun theme for a year-long theme or even a fun theme for wrapping up your year.
You will find links to some of our other camping resources at the bottom of this post.

You might also choose to provide copies for your families for practice at home.
Print and send them home with math supplies to encourage your students to review their facts and have a little fun when practicing their math facts.
These might be a good tool to send home during distance learning.
We have put together a collection of six multiplication bump games for math fact practice in your classroom (or home!)
To play, students will need dice and chips. The third and fourth games need three dice. The fifth and sixth games need 2 10-sided dice.
Here are the directions for our Camping Multiplication BUMP!:
- Roll 2 number cubes and multiply the numbers.
- Cover that space with a marker.
- You can bump your partner’s space.
- If you cover a space with 2 stacked markers, that space can’t be bumped.
- The first player to use all 10 of their markers first wins!
*Some of the directions vary slightly from above but are included on each game.
You can download this set of free Camping multiplication BUMP! games here:
If you are looking for more resources to help your students master their multiplication facts, please look at our Multiplication Timed Tests.
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.