This digital informational text set focuses on class pets. Add this free set to your distance learning collection!

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
We have created this digital informational text set focusing on class pets to help you with your distance learning planning.
This is the second set of digital informational text passages and organizers.
We welcome your feedback! Please let us know what works well for you and what doesn’t. If you have requests for us to include in future sets, we would love to hear them!
We are attempting to make our new digital sets as user friendly as possible – if something is too difficult for children, let us know that as well.

Class Pets Focus
These six passages focus on possible pets for the classroom.
Some might look at the focus of the passages and not view the animals as possible class pets. I’m thinking the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is definitely not an animal you anticipate finding in a school setting.
However, I have taught in a school where each of these animals could be found. Even the pig!
Digital Informational Text: Focus on Class Pets
Activating Schema This set begins with graphic organizers to help students activate scheme as they get ready to read. This can help build comprehension.
There are three preprogrammed organizers along with three that you can use to fill in your own prompts.
Informational Text Passages We have created six reading passages to give students practice with reading nonfiction.
These class pets passages each focus on a specific class pet possibility.
The questions included for response mostly focus on using context clues to build vocabulary. Students will respond on the sticky notes to each of the questions.
Want to write your own questions? You will find a second set with blank sticky notes at the end of this collection.
Access These Digital Informational Text: Birds files here
** To use the Google Slides file, you do not need us to grant you access. You will simply save the file we are providing to your Google Drive.
We also have a printable set which is similar to this one. You can find it here:
Informational Text Work (Printable)
Photos in these pages are from ShutterStock. We do not have the rights to send the photos not embedded in documents.
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Distance Learning Collection - The Curriculum Corner 123
Wednesday 15th of July 2020
[…] Digital Informational Text: Class Pets […]