Use these digital reading logs during your time of distance teaching to help check in our the readers in your classroom.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.
Try our set of digital reading logs to help keep in touch with your readers during this time of virtual or digital instruction.
We have had a few requests for digital reading logs over the last few weeks. As a result, we brainstormed to come up with an option that could help teachers check in with teachers without creating a burdensome task for students.
Why we avoided a traditional reading log
When creating this set, we worked to avoid a traditional reading log where students record what they’ve read, write a summary and track their minutes.
You might ask why this was our goal. (Because we’ve definitely used a traditional one many times in the past.(
The more we read about reading and talk to teachers, the more we are wondering if a traditional reading log really serves the purpose it was intended for.
As teachers, our goal is to help children love reading. Sometimes the reading log can kill this love that children might naturally develop on their own.
Yes, we all want children to read more at home and to love what they are reading. However, sometimes the chore of writing about what they have read because the thing that keeps children from enjoying what they are reading.
While we sometimes require this summary and recorded minutes as proof of reading, it doesn’t truly give us proof that a child was engaged in their reading.
If you are in search of a more traditional reading log, we do have these: Reading Logs. Because our thoughts on reading logs have changed, we do not currently intend on recreating these as a digital version. However, on our last update of the logs above, we did try to incorporate some new ideas so you will have some options that are much more open ended than a traditional reading log. The first three options in the reading log set will offer you some new ideas.
These Digital Reading Logs
This set contains four different reading log options.
You will be able to use the PowerPoint or Google Slides version.
Students will be able to type their responses directly on the page in the editable boxes.
They will be asked to give a response to their reading each day. One day they might be asked to move an emoji to show how they felt about their reading and another day they might move an arrow to show if their reading was fiction of informational text.
The goal of these pages is to simply keep you up to date in terms of what students are reading. They should only take students a couple of minutes to complete each day.
Instead of taking time thinking about their writing, they can spend their whole time reading and thinking about their reading.
While children are reading at a distance, this will give you a quick glimpse of the types of reading they are choosing. (And maybe hints as to the children you need to get books or digital copies of books to.)
You can download these reading logs here:
****PLEASE NOTE – You do not need to request access to the Google Slides Version. Simply save a copy to your Google Drive. You will then be able to move the clip art pieces and write in the text boxes.
While some of the parts on these slides are editable, we are not able to further unlock the slides.
Looking for other digital options? Try some of these favorites:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Distance Learning Collection - The Curriculum Corner 123
Friday 18th of September 2020
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