When working on -ed word endings, some readers need help understanding the different sounds the -ed makes at the end of the word.

Cathy’s class has been working on reading words with -ed endings. These -ed word endings activities were created to help the students correctly read the end sounds of these words.
I found that I had a group of students who were struggling with consistently understanding the -ed on the end of words. Because the letter pair does not always make the same sound, I had students who could not always read the words they were encountering.
My goal with creating the activities below was to help them see that there could be three sounds the -ed would make at the end of a word. The goal of the activity was to identify the sounds and then practice.
First, I printed and cut apart the whole class sort. This was a teaching activity for some and a review for others. With the readers in my class, I felt that this whole class activity was a good use of time for all of my class.
I placed the three headings in different locations in the room. I cut apart the words ending in -ed and gave each student a strip. Students then got up and found the spot where the word belonged. We went through the words as a class to check our answers.
The literacy center sort was then placed at a literacy center. Students then used the sorting and recording pages as a skill review.
For students who needed more guided practice, I incorporated the literacy center into our small group instruction.
You can download the free -ed word endings literacy activities by clicking on the bold headings below.
Whole Class Sort We started with a whole class sort. The large cards were hung around the room (creating a spot for “ed”, “d” and “t” sounds.) Each student was given a large word and after they practiced reading their word, they moved to the correct spot in the room for their ending sound. This was a great way to get the kids up and moving while practicing phonics!
You can then have students record words on the Recording Page.
Literacy Center Sort Print in color and laminate for a center. Students then sort the words into the correct category.
Students can record the words on the Recording Page.
Literacy Center Sort/ Adding Endings We took our literacy center one step farther for students who were ready for extra practice. These cards are similar to the other set (the cards have a green border) however, they are missing the endings.
Students must sort the cards and then write in the correct column on the Recording Page while writing in the meaning.
Monday 14th of October 2013
I had a serendipitous moment when I came across these activities. I was actually at your site to look for fairy tales activities. But only today I had a student ask me about 'ed' endings and how to pronounce them correctly. So thank you very much. I will make use of these.
Saturday 18th of October 2014
So great to see this sort in a classroom. In some parts of the country and where I live the 'ed' is pronunced /id/ and not /ed/. When we do this sort the sounds are; /t/ as in jumped, /d/ as in grilled, and /id/ as in melted. I start using this sort in first grade where children encountering words ending with _ed in their reading.