This is a project based unit for the primary grades. Print the pages as you need them or create a book with the pages that are right for your students before the project begins. This booklet can become your students’ research as you learn about life cycles.
True projects are student led. For this reason, this unit is not about worksheets and having students complete questions. Instead, it is designed to assist you in teaching your children how to research. Often one of the struggles of project work in the younger grades is finding research that is at the appropriate reading level for your students. Here we have provided research that is at a second to third grade reading level. There are also pages for recording what has been learned in children’s books.
Cover Use this if you plan on creating a book for your students
Memories on 1 page Memories on 2 pages A project always begins with the teacher sharing their own memory stories and drawings. Think about how you can make a memory from your life apply to the project topic. For this unit you might choose to tell a story of a time you grew pumpkins or another fruit or vegetable. You could also share a story of raising tadpoles, butterflies or even chickens. Help students think of their own memories that will apply to the project. Students then draw a picture and write a story about their memory to share with the class. We have two versions to choose from. The first has a spot for the drawing and writing on one page. This is for younger students who might have less to write. The second choice has one page for a picture and one page for a drawing.
Metamorphosis A place for students to record the definition of the word and explore what metamorphosis means.
Student Notes These pages are designed as a place for students to keep their research.
Butterfly Frog Chicken Pumpkins
Butterfly Life Cycle Print in color and laminate. Students can use the cards to label the life cycle of a butterfly. This poster also serves as a great model for students who want to create a life cycle poster for a different animal or plant.
Research These are written to include the important information about the life cycle of each animal or plant. They are designed to be research that includes the important facts but are still easy for primary students to read. Important vocabulary words are includes.