This free number cards center has many possibilities for practicing math skills in the classroom.
The Curriculum Corner has created another free math center for your classroom!
You can download the resources we have created for this number cards center by clicking on the links at the bottom of this post.
This number card set has been created to allow your students to practice a variety on math skills with one center set.
There is so much you can do with a simple set of number cards at math centers.
Here we have presented ideas along with number cards & printables you can use several times during your year for various reasons.
The number cards contain the numbers 1 – 100 and then continue with greater numbers in the hundreds, thousands and ten thousands. You can pull out specific sets of numbers to differentiate the centers you are putting together for different groups.
We are providing the number cards with three different background options. You can download the number cards here:
Blue Chevron Number Cards
Green Watercolor Number Cards
White Background Number Cards
To help you create your centers, we are also providing a variety of practice pages to accompany the cards. Students can practice the following skills with these printables:
- Ordering numbers from least to greatest
- Ordering numbers from greatest to least
- Comparing numbers using < or >
- Adding numbers
- Subtracting numbers
- Blank page for you to add the operation (multiply, divide, add three numbers, etc.)
- Ten more
- Ten less
- Write the number in word form
- Write the number in expanded form
- Draw the number using hundreds, tens and ones
You can download the pages described above here:
Number Card Printables
How else will you use these cards? Please share your ideas below!
You might also be interested in the following free resources:
Large Number Cards (1-100)
Numbers, Counting & Ordering Unit of Study