Give your students practice with plane shapes with this download of 2D shapes worksheets.
As you work to help your students explore plane shapes, use these 2D shapes worksheets to provide practice.
This download contains pencil paper type of practice along with cards and cut out shapes when needed.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.

What are plane shapes?
Plane shapes are shapes that are 2 dimensional. They have a length and a width but have no thickness.
These shapes are made of line segments or curves. They can also have a combination of both.
Examples are: circles, rectangles, triangles and squares.
Shapes can also have more than four sides such as these: pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
All 2D shapes will have a perimeter and area.
Different shapes have different formulas for determining the perimeter and area.
These 2D shapes worksheets
This download contains 18 pages. They have been designed so that you do not need math manipulatives. However, if you have shapes and geoboards, pull them out! You can definitely use them instead of some of the cut outs I have created.
You will find the following activities:
Shapes All Around Me! There are two versions of this page. Students will draw a picture of something they find in the room and then name the shape. For example, a clock could be drawn and the shape would be a circle.
Attribute Chart & Printable Shape Cards Children will draw the shape, record the name and then share the number of vertices and sides.
Sort the Shapes & Cut Out Shapes Students will cut apart the shapes and sort into the correct boxes. Some shapes can go in more than one spot so they can choose a spot.
Shape Match This activity includes 9 shapes plus the names. Students will match the cards. You can print these on card stock and laminate for durability.
All About Shapes Booklet This booklet is designed to be an alternative to the attribute chart. This booklet gives students more room to record their answers.
Geoboard There are two printable geoboards plus eight task cards. You can have students draw rubber bands on the boards. If you have geoboards in your classroom, use those instead of the printable version!
Separate the Shapes This page asks students to divide the given shapes into two or three new shapes.
Problem Solving with Shapes Students will need shape pieces for this one! They will follow the directions to model each problem.
Math standards covered:
CCSS.Math.Content.1.G.A.2 Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape.
CCSS.Math.Content.2.G.A.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
You can download these math worksheets here:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Saturday 12th of October 2013
Hi, I just visited your site for the first time and want to thank you for all the wonderful common core activities you provide for 2nd grade. I plan on incorporating many into my instruction this year. I do need clarification on one issue. In your 2nd grade math geometry activities you use the term "vertices" as an attribute for plane shapes as well as for 3-d shapes. My understanding is that vertices is only for 3-d shapes (pyramids, prisms, etc.) and describe the point where edges meet. I believe the term should be "angles" for plane geometric shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.). Please correct me if I'm mistaken. Chris
Jill & Cathy
Monday 25th of November 2013
Hi! We have looked into it and have found many resources, including those provided by our district that refer to them as vertices, even in plane shapes. If you have found a resource that states differently, please share the resource with us. Thanks! Cathy
Aimee Sims
Friday 8th of March 2013
Love your page! I have found so many great ideas and resources to use with my students. Thank you.