Add this prefix practice for word work collection to your word parts focus in your primary classroom.
This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.
As you are looking for prefix practice to help your students, you will find this collection helpful.
This word work download was created to help you plan for teaching your children about word analysis skills.
This set focuses on prefixes. It will fit best into third and fourth grade classrooms.
Often children understand the meaning of words they encounter with prefixes. When asked to work on breaking apart the word and identifying the prefix and root word, they can need a little help.
This collection is designed to give students practice with this task.
You will find the cards on a colorful background as long as a white background. This will benefit those of you looking to save color ink when printing.

About this prefix practice collection
Blue Cards These cards contain words containing prefixes
Green Cards These cards contain a base or root word alone.
Pink Cards These cards have a prefix.
You can provide students with the blue cards only. Children can then identify the prefix and the base word.
Or, provide students with the pink and green cards. They can then word to create words containing a prefix and base word. One challenge here is that children will need to identify any spelling changes in order to write the words.
There are four recording pages for students to use. You can choose the page that fits your classroom. Or, let students choose the page that works best for them.
There are also four worksheets students can use for practice.
Students will work to identify the base word along with the prefix.
You can download this free word work set here:
Looking for other resources to help with your word study in the classroom? Try these freebies we have created:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
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