These spring problem solving task cards are word problems geared towards 1st and 2nd grade students.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
This set of spring problem solving cards are designed to be used as center work or as a SCOOT game in your classroom.
This collection contains 24 different word problems with a spring theme.
These problems require students to add and subtract in order to solve. Some problems require both addition and subtraction, while others require students to add three numbers.
You can download this set of 24 problems, recording pages and answer key by clicking on the bold link at the bottom of this post.

Using these spring problem solving questions
We suggest printing on card stock and laminating this set for durability. After laminating, cut apart the word problem cards.
You can choose to have students complete as a center task by placing the cards in a basket and providing students with a recording page.
Using as a scoot game
If you choose to play as a Scoot game, there are also recording forms for this, numbered 1 – 24.
Scoot activities are an easy way to incorporate movement, yet still provide practice and engagement for students.
All you need to do for this activity is to print and laminate the cards and copy a recording page for each student.

To play Scoot, place one card at each student’s seat.
They will begin writing on their recording page at the number of the card at their seat.
After giving students a few minutes to solve the problem, the teacher yells “Scoot” to signal students to rotate to a new seat.
(You will need to plan out the direction and path of the rotation before beginning.)
The activity continues until students have traveled to each spot.
You can download this set of winter problem solving task cards here:
Spring Word Problems
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As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.