This What Math Do You See? activity will help your students explore math in the world around them.

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
Add this What Math Do You See? activity to your collection of resources to help children see math around them.
When children are younger, it is important to help them see that math is a part of their lives everyday – and will continue to be as they grow older.
This set was created to give you an opportunity to focus on this idea. The younger children begin to see this, the bigger importance they will place on learning math.

This What Math Do You See? set contains two downloads
The first download is a PDF that can be used to display photos on your SmartBoard or during your virtual instruction.
There are a total of 12 photos. As you show each slide, ask students to share what math they see in each picture.
If they need a little help to start, have them look for some of the following:
- numbers
- shapes
- lines (perpendicular, parallel, etc.)
- patterns
- measurement
You will also find a separate download with printable pages to accompany this activity.
The first page encourages children to find math in their homes. They can draw a picture or use words to share examples they find.
The next two pages can serve as recording pages for the photo activity if you need them.
Finally, encourage students to draw their own picture with math hidden inside.
You can download this free math set here:
Looking for other math ideas for your classroom? Try these:
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As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.