These free 4th grade sub plans have been created by The Curriculum Corner and are perfect for when something unexpected happens and you can’t make it to school!

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
This is our second set of emergency sub plans for 4th grade classrooms.
This post shares our 4th grade plans.
You can download the entire, free set of 4th grade sub plans by clicking on the bold link at the bottom of this post.

Many of these resources have camping themed clip art, so we have some suggested picture books that might pair well with that theme.
The lessons, activities and practice pages that are a part of our 4th Grade Sub Plans meet standards for fourth grade.
Setting up your 4th Grade Sub Plans
To make these emergency plans work in your best interest, plan ahead!
Type up your plans & directions and print these materials in advance. When you do need to call in, you can avoid driving to school in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately we all know what that’s like and it’s no fun!
Put your plans and everything a guest teacher will need into a tub and mark it clearly with the words “Sub Tub”.
Our goal for these 4th grade sub plans was to create activities that could act as review since these need to be applicable at any point in the year. You never know when you might need them!

Find Your Match Rounding Activity
For this activity you will need to have printed off the exact number of cards as you have students. If you have an odd number of students you will need one extra card for the guest teacher to use so that everyone has a matching partner.
Pass out the cards.
Students look at their numbers and round them to the nearest ten. Then, they will search the room to find another student whose number also rounds to the same ten.
You will find a recording page for partners to work on once they have found their matches.
To set up this activity – Print the number cards on card stock, laminate and put into a baggie. Copy a class set of recording pages if you want students to work on those after finishing the matching activity.

Pick Two and Add (or Subtract)
This is a simple activity where students draw cards and then write & solve a problem.
We have provided three student recording pages for you to choose from – adding two numbers, adding three numbers and subtracting.
You can use the same set of forty number cards from the matching activity above for this. Just copy a class set of the recording pages of your choice to put into your Sub Tub.
Camping Logic Puzzles
We have created two logic puzzles that you can leave for your students to work on either independently, with partners or together with your guest teacher. (The answer key for both is also provided.)
Extra Practice Pages
We have provide two different practice pages you can copy and put in your Sub Tub to be a part of your lesson plans or as time filler possibilities if a guest teacher needs them.
There is one page involving area & perimeter and another page of addition practice.
Always good to have extra math skill pages ready for a sub to use!
Fiction Graphic Organizer
We have created a story map that can be used with any fiction book.
If you would like to keep with the camping theme, the book A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen is a fun choice.
The guest teacher reads aloud the book and then works with students to model how to complete the story map.
Copy a class set of story maps for students to use with fiction books during independent reading and place it in the Sub Tub with a book of your choice.
Informational Text & Vocab Graphic Organizers
Have your guest teacher to read aloud an excerpt from a nonfiction book and model how to fill out our info text graphic organizer and/or our Building Understanding vocabulary organizer.
Again, copy a set of the informational text graphic organizers of your choice for your students to use during independent reading and place them in the Sub Tub with a book of your choice.
Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping Brochure
If you haven’t read any Scaredy Squirrel books with your 4th graders, don’t underestimate their appeal!
Cathy’s intermediate kids thought they were so funny!
The fun brochure we are sharing can be completed after the book is read and discussed.

Making Words
Students use the letters in the word CAMPGROUND to create smaller words.
Comes with a page of letters for students to cut out and manipulate to make the words.
Camping Word Boggle
This activity is easy and fun for students, while helping them to spell new words.
Copy a class set of these pages and that is all that this requires.
Students are to find camping park-related words in the Boggle board and write them in the boxes below.
We suggest you set a minimum number of words for students to find, but many will try to fill all the boxes if you present it as a challenge.
Students can color or shade in words as they find them, much the same as a word search.

Classifying Camping Words
The brainstorming activity has students thinking of all the camping related words they can and then placing them in the correct parts of speech boxes for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Expanding Sentences
We always want our students to write and revise sentences that are full of voice and very descriptive, but this takes practice.
For this activity we have provided 12 extremely simply three and four word sentences.
Print out the pages and cut them apart for your Sub Tub.
The directions are to work with pairs or groups of three to expand the given sentences using colorful adjectives, adverbs and additional words or phrases so that readers can visualize something vivid as the sentences are read aloud.
When everyone has expanded their sentences, gather the class and have the groups read their original sentences followed by the one they expanded.
A discussion about how much easier it was to visualize the author’s intent can follow.
Writing Prompts
We have created four simple camping related writing prompts.
You can allow students to choose their own or assign the same one to all members of the class. Just be sure to leave enough sets in your Sub Tub.
We like the idea of having the guest teacher model an example with the class before students are set off on their own.
We have also provided three additional blank templates in case the students need additional lined paper for their pieces or you would like to assign a topic of your choice – either with a camping theme or something completely different.
Blank Books are a good addition to your sub tub. Provide an assortment of blank books and lined pages.
Animal Classification
For this activity print and cut out the 24 different animal cards and place them in a baggie.
Copy class sets of one or both of the pages that accompany this activity.
The sorting activity simply has students deciding on various ways they can sort the animal cards into categories based on their attributes.
The second animal adaptation page may work better if your students have access to iPads, computers or tablets to do some research.
Venn Diagram
This page is for any type of open-ended compare/contrast activity that you think would be good for your students.
Copy a set of the pages and then leave your idea in your sub plans.
As a fun and engaging activity, provide a set of compasses. Students can explore using these tools.
You can download the complete set of 4th Grade Sub Plans here:
Here are a few of our books that pair with the lessons above (contains affiliate links):
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Editable Substitute Planning Binder – The Curriculum Corner 123 – Your Scholarship Info
Tuesday 4th of February 2020
[…] 4th Grade Sub Plans […]
Sunday 7th of October 2018
Thank you very much for these resources! They are wonderful and greatly appreciated!
Sunday 1st of July 2018
Thank you so much for these.
5th Grade Emergency Sub Plans - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Wednesday 4th of October 2017
[…] 4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 2 […]
4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Wednesday 4th of October 2017
[…] 4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 2 […]