These 5th grade emergency sub plans are written to be a ready to go set of plans when that unexpected absence pops up.
This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
Add these fifth grade emergency sub plans to your unexpected absence file!
Fifth grade teachers, how often do you go into school when you are truly sick simply because going to school will take less effort than pulling together sub plans?
All teachers know that it is sometimes worse to stay home than go to school sick. Hopefully these emergency sub plans will make your life just a little easier when you simply cannot make it to school.
Create a Sub Tub using our Emergency Sub Plans!
We suggest printing these materials and plans ahead of time. This way, when you do need to call in, you can avoid driving to school at 1 a.m.! We’ve all done it, right?
Put everything in a tub marked “Sub Tub” and you will be ready to go with very little effort.
We have included the Common Core Standards when possible below. Don’t worry, if your state does not teach Common Core, these activities should still fit into your standards.
Our goal was to create activities that could act as review since these need to be applicable at any point in the year. You never know when you will need them!
You can download each resource provided to create this set of sub plans below. Each resource is its own download link. This set is not currently available as a single download.
We are providing additional emergency sub plan links at the bottom of this post so that you can set up more than one day of sub plans using our free resources.
Sub Plans First, you will find a Word document that gives directions for the activities below. There are spots to fill in information about your class. Or, simply cut and paste to add to your own sub plans. You might need to make changes to fit your students, but we are hoping this will take a little time out of your planning!
Writing Expressions 5.OA.A.2
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.A.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. AND CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.A.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
Large Number Cards Have the teacher give students numbers 0 through 9. The teacher will say a number and the students will form the number. Or, have the teacher say you are building a five digit number. There will be a 6 in the hundreds place and a 1 in the ten-thousands place. The teacher continues until the number is built and then have a volunteer read the number. We have included a decimal and commas in the number set.
Standard & Word Form Match This can be completed with a small group, at a station or as a whole group activity. Students will match the standard form and word form cards. A recording page is included.
Language Arts
Fiction Graphic Organizers Informational Text Graphic Organizers We have created three graphic organizers for each area to be used with any book. You can choose to have the guest teacher model the completion of a graphic organizer. For classrooms where students are familiar with the terms, you might choose to have students complete as proof of their independent reading for the day.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.5.C Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words.
Synonyms & Antonyms This activity contains four cards for each set containing three synonyms and one antonym. Students work together to determine the three words that have the same meaning and the one that does not fit the group. Add a challenge to this activity by asking students to create additional synonyms and antonyms for each set.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Be the Expert Writing Activity Students will choose a topic that they can be the expert on. Students can choose a sport, animal, plant or any other topic of interest. Students will then plan and write a piece to teach others about their topic. Tell students that their audience is a younger class in the building, such as a first or second grade class.
Need more to add to your Sub Tub?
If you are looking for additional resources to fill out your sub tub, try the links below:
4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 1
4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 2
5th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 2
Monday 2nd of September 2019
Thank you! This is such a big help to busy teachers. It's nice to know I have things covered should an emergency arrive!
Brian Johnson
Wednesday 19th of December 2018
Pretty cool tool!
4th Grade Emergency Sub Plans - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Wednesday 4th of October 2017
[…] 5th Grade Emergency Sub Plans Set 1 […]
Sunday 6th of December 2015
Thank you for helping teachers!
Kristyn Mulder
Wednesday 23rd of September 2015
This is awesome! Thank you!