Welcome to The Curriculum Corner 456’s math collection where you will find an assortment of free resources for your intermediate math workshop.

The Curriculum Corner should be the first place you stop when planning for your math workshop. Our large collection of free resources for math workshop will assist you with management, planning and center work.
We believe that implementing a math workshop is an effective way to meet your students where they are and help them grow as mathematicians. A well designed workshop will result in students who master new skills and enjoy math time.
Find the resources you need at The Curriculum Corner.
How do I get started with math workshop?
It is very common for teachers to have a reading workshop and a writing workshop. We structure our classrooms in this way because we know that the format has many benefits.
Benefits of a Workshop Model
- Allows you to meet students where they are – workshop can be a great way to meet the needs of your students
- Gives you time to meet with students in small groups or one-one-one
- Students often work in small groups and develop cooperation skills
- Children are engaged in math practice during the entire period
Flexibility is Key!
Of course, as teachers, we know that flexibility in the classroom and in your planning is key. While we see many benefits of a workshop model in math, there are days that a mini-lesson will not cover a new math topic. Or, there might be a day where all students are struggling with a skill. You could skip your rotations and work together on white boards to develop mastery.
Our math resources are divided into categories below.
Within our collection you will find an assortment of complete units of study. Each unit of study contains mini-lessons, anchor charts, graphic organizers and everything else you will need to help you get started.
Also included are math centers, worksheets for math practice and class math games.
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