This winter decimals & fractions game is a PowerPoint designed to give your students extra math practice.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.
This free decimals and fractions game is designed to give your students practice with math skills for 4th graders.
Students will receive practice converting between decimals and fractions.
You can download this free Decimals and Fractions game by clicking on the bold link at the bottom of this post.
As many teachers are moving towards classrooms with less paper, we are trying to help by creating new resources to fit. You can use this type of math game at a computer center.
We are planning to create a larger collection of math games to be used on your interactive whiteboard or at student computers. The PowerPoints will cover a wide range of math skills. Our hope is that you have an assortment of interactive options at your disposal. Use these when you introduce a new skill or concept or when you need your students to practice.
How to Play this Decimals & Fractions Game
Set this up on your student computers for morning practice or during math centers.
Be sure to put scratch paper and pencils at the computers for students to work the problems if needed. You may choose if students are allowed to use a calculator. Most problems in this collection are simpler so that a calculator should not be required.
To use this with your whole class, give your students small white boards and dry erase markers.
Display a slide with the problem and then give students time to work the problem on their dry erase boards.
You can have a volunteer click on the answers as you go.
Students can self check and get excited as they see that their answers match the correct answers on the PowerPoint presentation.

This game focuses on math skills for 4th grade and has a woodland winter fox theme.
Correct answers are rewarded with a praise slide.
To play, students need to click on the “Click Here to Start” link and they will be taken to the first problem.
When a problem is answered correctly, they will receive a slide giving them some praise.
Students click on the wording and are taken to the next problem. Students must click on the actual text for the slides to correctly work.
When students answer a problem incorrectly, they will reach a “Try Again” slide. Students will need to click on the words to be taken back to the original problem to try again.
This fox themed game is created so that the final slide is linked to return to the first slide.
You can download this woodland winter decimals & fractions game here:
**Once you have downloaded your winter decimals & fractions game, simply click on the view tab at the top and then select reading view. This will start your game. **
You will need the following KG Fonts for your game to display correctly:
- KG Traditional Fractions
- KG Dancing on the Rooftop
- KG Payphone
We hope you enjoy this game and will stick around our site to find more free resources for teachers.
Don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can easily find it when you are ready to use this. Aren’t sure how to bookmark pages? Check out our tutorial that will help you learn! Click here: Bookmarking in Chrome.
Thank you to PrettyGrafik Design on Etsy for the cute winter fox papers & clip art!
You might also like some of our other winter themed math resources:
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Fall Fraction Color Key - The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6
Monday 30th of September 2019
[…] Winter Decimals & Fractions PowerPoint Game […]
Wednesday 14th of March 2018
This powerpoint doesn't work
Jill & Cathy
Saturday 17th of March 2018
Hello T, We just checked and didn't see a problem with the PowerPoint. After downloading it, all you need to do is open it, click enable editing and then start the PP. Please email us if you still have problems and let us know the specific issues so we can help you problem solve.