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Funny Boy Chapter Books Ages 7 – 9

by Jill & Cathy on October 21, 2012

This is the second in a series of posts to help you “hook” your uninterested boy in reading.  My son Grant began as a reluctant reader, he now loves reading but it still isn’t easy to find books that he loves.  Our hope is that this series of posts will help make it easier for you to find books your boys will love to read.  If you missed the first post containing ideas for funny bedtime read alouds, you will find them here:

In second grade Grant became a true reader.  He moved from reading because he had to towards reading because he wanted to.  This is the first year he had a weekly reading log for school.  I think that he decided he might as well read books he enjoyed so he tried a little harder to find books he liked.  It definitely wasn’t easy!  His favorite books at this point were any books in the Wierd School series by Dan Gutman.  Luckily there are many of these so we had a huge list to choose from.   The box set from Amazon was a good pick for us because our library does not have a big selection of these books.  There were a few other series of books he enjoyed because they were about boys being silly and gross (in a second grade sort of way.)

I hope this collection of books helps you find entertaining books for your boys!



Here are some tips for reading with your child:  They are from our sister site, The Curriculum Corner.  The tips are available in English and Spanish.

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