The book “Have You Filled a Bucket?” is a great way to begin your year with children or to review how to make others feel good. It is also a wonderful addition to a home library. This set of printables is designed to be used in a preschool or kindergarten setting. Often we find printables designed with older kids in mind. We have created these to be just right for younger children with lots of room for drawing what they are thinking.
Bucket filler plan – encourage children to think about what they can do to make others feel good.
How I feel when my bucket is full (In black and white)
Another version of our How I feel when my bucket is full with a simple, orange border
How I feel when my bucket is empty (In black and white)
Caught by the teacher certificate – catch children when they go out of their way to make others feel good by awarding them with this certificate.
Cut-out buckets Fill a bulletin board with these colorful buckets. Fill one out each time you catch a child helping others.
You can purchase the book from Amazon…
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