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Summer Journal

by Jill & Cathy on June 5, 2013

summerjournaltitleThis is a great writing activity to do with your children over the summer.   Choose which are best for your children and print.  At the end of the summer you will have a complete memory book ready to bind!

Summer Memory Cover (in Color)

Summer Memory Cover (in Black and White)

Summer Dreams (what you hope to do over the summer)

Summer Start (have your child record their favorites, height and weight at the beginning of the summer along with a place to put their handprint)

Summer End  (have your child record their favorites, height and weight at the end of the summer along with a place to put their handprint)

Summer Adventures Page (use a journal page for each adventure you go on!)

Visiting Grandparents (includes a grandma, grandpa and grandparent page for you to choose which is best for your family)

A Super Day  (superhero writing prompt for creative writing)

Traveling Pages  (add these to your child’s journal to record memories of a trip)

Summer Camp Memories

My BFF (have your child record memories of their best friend)

Visiting Disney this summer?  We have put together a special journal for your trip:

What other ideas do you have for keeping your children writing over the summer?  Please share below!

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