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India-Israel Sign Agreements on Cyber Security

by Jill & Cathy on October 3, 2021

India and Israel deepen their ties by signing agreements on cyber security. This move highlights the growing importance of protecting digital infrastructure and information in the modern era.

The agreement was signed between the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) and the Israeli government`s cyber security authority, the National Cyber Directorate (NCD). This agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in preventing cyber attacks, sharing information on cyber threats, and jointly developing new technologies to counter cyber threats.

India and Israel have been long-time allies and have been working together in various other sectors like agriculture, defense, and technology. The latest agreement on cyber security is a significant step towards enhancing cooperation between the two nations.

India is a rapidly growing digital economy and the country has been investing heavily in building its digital infrastructure. With the number of internet users increasing day by day, the need for cyber security has become even more critical. Cyber attacks in India have been on the rise, and it is essential to have a robust cyber security system in place to protect the country`s digital assets.

Israel, on the other hand, is a world leader in cyber security. The country has been investing heavily in developing advanced technologies to counter cyber threats. Israel`s expertise in cyber security can be of great help to India in improving its cyber security system.

The agreement between India and Israel is a significant step towards building a stronger cyber security ecosystem. It will help in sharing information on cyber threats, developing joint strategies to counter cyber attacks, and improving cyber security capabilities.

In conclusion, the India-Israel agreement on cyber security is a crucial step towards enhancing cooperation between the two countries. It reflects the growing importance of cyber security in the modern era and the need to protect digital infrastructure and information. The partnership between India and Israel in cyber security will not only benefit the two countries but also help in creating a safer digital world for everyone.

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