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Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for Class 9 Cbse with Answers

by Jill & Cathy on August 25, 2022

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that every student must learn. Class 9 CBSE students must have a good understanding of subject-verb agreement as the concepts learned here will be crucial in their future academic pursuits. In this article, we will discuss some subject-verb agreement exercises for class 9 CBSE with answers that will help students master this aspect of grammar.

Exercise 1:

Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject in the sentence.

1. The dog (bark/barks) at strangers.

Answer: barks

2. The girls (play/plays) basketball every day.

Answer: play

3. The teacher (teach/teaches) English grammar to us.

Answer: teaches

4. The water in the lake (is/are) crystal clear.

Answer: is

5. The birds (fly/flies) south for the winter.

Answer: fly

Exercise 2:

Rewrite the following sentences by correcting the subject-verb agreement errors.

1. The group of friends was excited to go on vacation.

Answer: The group of friends were excited to go on vacation.

2. The boy with the red hat plays basketball very well.

Answer: The boy with the red hat play basketball very well.

3. Fourteen students has already finished their homework.

Answer: Fourteen students have already finished their homework.

4. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore were soothing.

Answer: The sound of the waves crashing on the shore was soothing.

5. The herd of deer was running in the field.

Answer: The herd of deer were running in the field.

Exercise 3:

Choose the correct subject-verb agreement in the given sentences.

1. One of the cars (is/are) parked outside.

Answer: is

2. Each of the students (has/have) to submit their project next week.

Answer: has

3. Either the cat or the dog (is/are) responsible for the mess.

Answer: is

4. Neither the parents nor the teacher (know/knows) the answer.

Answer: knows

5. Every morning, the children (walks/walk) to school.

Answer: walk

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that students must master. These exercises will help Class 9 CBSE students to improve their understanding and application of the rules of subject-verb agreement. Regular practice of these exercises will help students improve their writing and communication skills.

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