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Referral Partner Agreement Template Free

by Jill & Cathy on January 23, 2023

Referral partner agreements are essential components of successful business relationships. These agreements establish clear guidelines for referrals, commissions, and responsibilities. However, drafting a referral partner agreement from scratch can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses that do not have the resources to hire a legal team. Thankfully, many websites offer referral partner agreement templates for free. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using a referral partner agreement template and provide recommendations for reputable templates available online.

Benefits of Using a Referral Partner Agreement Template

Using a referral partner agreement template can save you time and money. Templates have already been vetted by legal professionals, ensuring that you have a legally sound agreement. Additionally, templates offer a clear structure and outline for your agreement, ensuring that all the essential elements are included. This can be particularly helpful for small businesses with limited resources and legal expertise.

Furthermore, using a template ensures that your agreement is comprehensive and covers all essential elements. This includes details such as how commissions will be paid, how referrals will be tracked, and how long the agreement will last. By addressing all of these details up front, you can avoid potential conflicts and misunderstandings down the road.

Recommendations for Referral Partner Agreement Templates

There are many websites that offer referral partner agreement templates for free. However, it is important to choose a reputable template that is reliable and legally compliant. Here are three recommendations for referral partner agreement templates:

1. HubSpot: HubSpot offers a referral partner agreement template that is comprehensive and easy to use. The template includes sections for commission rates, referral procedures, and termination clauses.

2. Docsketch: Docsketch offers a referral partner agreement template that is customizable and easy to implement. The template includes clauses for non-compete agreements, confidentiality agreements, and payment terms.

3. FormSwift: FormSwift offers a referral partner agreement template that is straightforward and user-friendly. The template includes sections for commission rates, marketing requirements, and exclusivity clauses.


Referral partner agreements are essential for businesses that rely on referrals to generate new business. While drafting an agreement from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive, using a referral partner agreement template is a quick and easy solution. By choosing a reputable template, businesses can save time and ensure that their agreements are legally compliant and comprehensive.

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