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Who Is Not in the Paris Agreement

by Jill & Cathy on January 25, 2023

The Paris Agreement is a landmark agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The agreement was adopted in Paris, France, in December 2015, and as of September 2021, it has been ratified by 191 of the 197 parties to the UNFCCC. However, there are six countries that, for various reasons, have not joined the Paris Agreement.

The first country that comes to mind when thinking about countries that are not in the Paris Agreement is the United States. In 2017, US President Donald Trump announced that he would be withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement, citing the perceived unfairness of the agreement to US businesses and workers. However, President Joe Biden has since reversed that decision, and the US has officially rejoined the Paris Agreement as of February 2021.

The second country that is not in the Paris Agreement is Iran. Iran has signed the agreement, but it has not yet ratified it. The reasons for this are unclear, but it may be related to the US sanctions that were imposed on Iran during the Trump administration.

The third country is North Korea, which has not signed or ratified the Paris Agreement. This is not surprising, given the country`s isolationist stance and its focus on domestic issues rather than international cooperation.

The fourth country is Eritrea, a small African country that is not particularly well-known on the international stage. Eritrea has not signed or ratified the Paris Agreement, although the reasons for this are not clear.

The fifth country is South Sudan, which gained independence from Sudan in 2011 and is the world`s youngest country. South Sudan has not signed or ratified the Paris Agreement, which may be due to the country`s ongoing political instability and other pressing issues.

Finally, the sixth country that is not in the Paris Agreement is Turkey. Turkey signed the agreement in 2016 but has not yet ratified it. This may be due to the country`s concerns about its economic development and the perceived costs of implementing the agreement.

In conclusion, there are six countries that are not in the Paris Agreement, for various reasons. While some of these countries may eventually join the agreement, others may continue to stay out or delay their entry into the agreement due to domestic or international political factors. As the world continues to grapple with the issue of climate change, it is important for countries to work together to address this urgent challenge.

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