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Quality Agreement Checklist

by Jill & Cathy on September 8, 2023

When it comes to outsourcing or collaborating with a vendor or supplier, a quality agreement is an essential part of the process. A quality agreement is a written agreement outlining the quality requirements, responsibilities, and expectations of both parties involved in a partnership.

To ensure that your quality agreement is comprehensive and effective, below is a checklist of key elements that should be included in your quality agreement:

1. Scope and Purpose

Define the scope and purpose of the agreement, including the goods or services to be provided, the expected results, and the timeframe for delivery.

2. Quality Standards

State the quality standards that will be applicable to the goods or services provided. These standards should be measurable and linked to relevant regulations, industry standards, or customer requirements.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

Clarify the roles and responsibilities of each party in the partnership, including the overall management, quality control, documentation, and communication requirements.

4. Quality Control

Describe the quality control processes and procedures to be put in place to ensure compliance with the agreed quality standards. This should include any testing, inspection, or monitoring procedures.

5. Change Control

Outline the procedures for managing changes to the goods or services provided, including change management, change control, and approval processes.

6. Documentation Requirements

Set out the documentation and record-keeping requirements, including the nature and extent of documentation to be maintained, and the frequency and format of reporting.

7. Non-Conformance and Corrective Action

Establish processes for identifying and addressing non-compliance with quality standards, including the requirements for corrective and preventive actions.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

Define the ownership and use of any intellectual property rights associated with the goods or services provided, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

9. Confidentiality and Security

Specify the procedures for maintaining confidentiality and security of any confidential or proprietary information shared between the parties.

10. Dispute Resolution and Termination

Establish procedures for resolving disputes that may arise during the partnership and for terminating the agreement if necessary, including any notice and compensation requirements.

By including these essential elements in your quality agreement, you can establish clear expectations, quality standards, and responsibilities, ensuring successful collaboration with your vendor or supplier. A well-drafted and comprehensive quality agreement can not only help you achieve your quality goals but can also protect your interests in case of issues during the partnership.

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