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Vacation Fun Easter Basket

by Jill & Cathy on April 2, 2015

A beach themed Easter basket to kick off your spring break by The Curriculum CornerIf your boys are anything like ours, they make it difficult to create a fun Easter basket that contains items that will actually get used!  We could fill them with little toys but those always end up in the bottom of a bin once the day is over and we feel like we wasted our money.  Our goal this year was to put together baskets our boys would enjoy and that we knew contained items that would get used.  We think we succeeded!  We used beach buckets because what boy doesn’t like digging in the sand (even our oldest get caught up in this!)  We stuffed it with a beach towel, swim trunks, swim shirt, goggles and flip flops.  We also purchased a water gun to add to the fun.  What boy wouldn’t love this basket?


Corner Spotlight – Tiffany Takes the Cake

by Jill & Cathy on September 13, 2014

You have already met her!  Yes!  This is the same Tiffany that we ADORE and who helps us plan some of our family meals in our Tastefully Yours With Tiffany!

Tiff has begun her own home business and blog within the last few months.  Her business and blog is called Tiffany Takes the Cake.  She makes and sells cakes for special events and then shares her creations on her blog, along with some great tips for anyone who wants to try their hand at cake decorating at home.  (Fortunately, we have been the lucky recipients of Tiffany’s cakes over the last few years for birthdays and other special occasions, so we know how talented she is.  We also have no plans of trying this at home for ourselves since we have HER to do all that for us!!  LOL!)

Here is a little about our friend, Tiff, and a link to her new blog!

Tiffany is a teacher turned cake decorator. She has eight years of professional experience.  She started doing cakes at home to better fit her family’s needs. Her husband says their house runs better when “management is on the premises” so this new business and blog was a perfect fit.  She lives with her husband, two sweet daughters, and a funny son. She says she loves to make people’s special occasions extra special with the perfect cake.

Here is a link to Tiffany’s website and blog:  Tiffany Takes the Cake


Gift Idea for New Neighbors on Move-In Day

by Jill & Cathy on June 29, 2014

Move-In Day Care Package Idea from The Curriculum Corner FamilyMy family’s moving situation is a little strange.  We literally moved RIGHT down the street.  Seriously – same street name…different house number.  I’m sure we aren’t the first, but we have certainly gotten our share of teasing in the last six months.

Here’s how it happened.  We had our little “surprise/blessing”, Addilyn Marie, in December of 2011.  We decided not long after that we were in a good spot to buy or build a bigger house and decided that was what we wanted to do.  A few problems (at least in our minds) with our line of thinking:  First, we ADORE our neighbors.  They have been, and still are, like family to us.  We didn’t want to leave them.  Second, Cathy and I lived right next door to each other and it was such an easy thing to work on The Curriculum Corner together whenever we wanted. Anyway – long story short – an open lot in the neighborhood next to ours, a one minute drive down the same street (five minute walk), same schools…SOLD!

All of that leads me to the next part, which could have been awkward.  We fully intend to keep the closeness with our old neighbors, because they ARE still neighbors/friends/family to us (albeit a few more houses down), and my business partner/good friend will live right next door to the young couple who bought our house. Are you understanding what the awkward part might be?  We will more than likely see the new homeowners quite a bit – both in hanging out down at our old neighbors’ houses and through the work that Cathy and I do.

We weren’t sure how we felt about this or how they might feel either.  We wanted to do our best to help them to be comfortable with the situation, so I decided it might be nice to leave a little house-warming gift in the form of a “Move-In Day Care Package”.  I thought about some of the things that might make move-in day a little easier – especially when you are moving from another state, have all of your belongings packed away and don’t know the area.

Here are some of the things I left, along with some other ideas you might add:

  • plastic cups
  • bottles of water
  • kitchen garbage bags
  • roll of paper towels
  • toilet paper
  • bottle of multi-purpose surface cleaner
  • dish soap or dish washing tablets
  • salty snacks
  • chocolate
  • pizza coupons (with local numbers for ordering) and/or gift card
  • “New Home” greeting card or personal note
  • bottle of champagne (to toast a new home!)

**If you aren’t  the one moving and/or don’t feel the need to leave a care package for the new owners of your old home, why not try this idea with a family who is moving into your neighborhood?  Imagine how nice it would be for them to pull up with a moving truck and be met with a friendly face and a care package to help them get through the day.  Don’t want to spend a lot of money?  Have a group of neighbors chip in on the care package and attach a card with the neighbors’ names, addresses and contact information.  

Never underestimate the power of a small friendly gesture!  In our case I hope that it makes the new homeowners feel good about us.  We may very well end up being friends with them!

On a personal note, I actually got to speak on the phone to the young lady of the couple who will be moving into our house.  Turns out she is a 2nd grade teacher if you can believe that!!  She sounded like such an outgoing and sweet person.

So…CONGRATULATIONS on your new home, Lyndsey and Aaron!  We hope that it will bring as many great memories for you as it did for us.  We shared some of our best years in that house with our three children and are so very happy that it is going to such a nice young couple.  Know that you will be surrounded by some of the BEST people we know!  You are going to love SBN! 🙂


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It's in the bag!  Quick tip to help you make getting your kids dressed while on vacation easier from The Curriculum Corner.This tip is brought to you by Jill because she was so in love with the simplicity of an idea Cathy shared with her last year for packing for family vacations.

When Cathy packs the bags for her kids for vacations she puts each outfit in a separate large Ziploc baggie.  The outfit is complete with matching clothes, underwear and socks.  (I don’t know about your kids, but Jill’s youngest, Evan, can’t match clothing to save his life.  What?  There’s something wrong with a red shirt, purple shorts and orange socks?? Come ON, Mom!!)

Anyway – something so easy has made life so much easier on vacations.  Each day the kids pick out a bag and don’t even have to THINK about what they are putting on…and you can be sure you won’t have to send them back to their suitcases to put on something less “clown-like”.

Needless to say, we are both super excited to start doing this for our girls because we can complete those baggies with bows, headbands, cute socks, hats, sunglasses, jewelry, matching nail polish…oh wait…we might be getting ahead of ourselves! 🙂

Come to think of it…this might not be a bad idea for husbands, too! 😉

Try this EASY tip!  I promise you it makes life on vacation a little easier.  Wait…vacations are stressful?  THAT’S a post for another time!  In the meantime have a GREAT summer vacation!


Guest Post: Your Child & Bullying

June 11, 2014

This guest post is brought to you by Tara Heath.  Tara is a writer and entrepreneur focused on parenting, education, and special needs. Thanks for the share, Tara! Keep an Eye Out and Look For The Signs:  Ways Your Child Can Be Bullied When you think of bullying, what do you picture? Do you see a […]

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Guest Post: Easy Science Activities for the Kitchen

May 28, 2014

This post is brought to you by guest blogger, Corinne Jacob from Alternate Tutelage.  Thanks so much for sharing with us, Corinne! I am Corinne Jacob, trying so hard for my a.k.a. to be something spectacular like Supermom or Oh Captain my Captain. In reality and in no particular order, I am a writer, a content […]

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Last Day of School Signs

May 7, 2014

It’s hard to believe summer is almost here.  It seems like just a few days ago we were printing off our first day of school signs for our bus stop breakfast.  Our boys are all looking forward to the fun summer brings (including their favorite last day of school party!)  As we send them off […]

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Reese Cup Brownies

April 14, 2014

Last week Jill and I needed to come up with a quick dinner as we had some big projects due.  We threw together a fast dinner that didn’t take much work but the highlight of the meal were the Reese Cup Brownies we had for dessert.  They are so easy to make but taste amazing. […]

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Popcorn Bar

March 16, 2014

It’s hard to believe my oldest is turning 10 this week!  I keep telling Doug that 10 is half-way to 20.  He doesn’t seem to be as upset at this as I am.  This weekend we had a family party for Grant who is the pickiest of eaters.  We have had too many parties to […]

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Thank You Candy Bar Wrappers (for a doctor or other special person)

March 3, 2014

When I found out I was pregnant with Paige, my first task was to find a new OB as my previous doctor was no longer practicing.  A new hospital had recently opened not far from us and I knew they had a maternity ward so I started my search with the doctor’s office located at […]

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