Help students practice number ID with these free winter number identification color key worksheets.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.
You can download this set of winter number identification color key worksheets by clicking on the bold wording at the bottom of this post.
Use these practice pages (winter color by number) to help your students practice number identification and reading color words.

Using these winter number ID pages
To complete the pages, students will need the crayon colors named at the top of each page. They will find pictures that include a snowman, candy, a winter scene, a fox and a bunny.
To represent the numbers on the pictures, we have used fingers, dice, tallies and words. Students will color each space according to the color key at the top of the page.
These pages can be used for independent practice and review. If you need to send home homework, these might also work well as a homework option.
We also like the idea of creating a class set of these to use as a filler center for an unplanned absence. It seems like it is always handy to have a copied page ready for when a center doesn’t go as planned! We know this isn’t true center work but we like to have a backup for those just in case situations.

You can download this set of color key fall math pages here:
Winter Color Key Math
If you are looking for a challenge for students who have mastered number identification, try our Winter Addition Color Key Math
Looking for other winter themed resources? Try these freebies that we have created:
As always, these materials have been created by The Curriculum Corner for your free classroom use. You may copy and use for your classroom.
You may not sell or modify and sell in any way. Please contact us with any questions.