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Ending Sounds PowerPoint Game

This free PowerPoint game is designed to give your kindergarten students practice with identifying ending sounds.

FREE Ending Sounds PowerPoint Game from The Curriculum Corner

You can download this free Ending Sounds PowerPoint game by clicking on the bold link at the bottom of this post.

This interactive PowerPoint game focuses on ending sounds and contains single letter sounds as well as blends.  Many teachers are moving towards classrooms with less paper so these types of resources for computer centers or even whole class participation is a great alternative.

Set up this ending sounds game on your student computers for morning practice or during literacy centers.

To use this with your whole class, give your students small white boards and dry erase markers.  Display a slide with picture and letter options, give students time to say the word to themselves and write a letter to match the ending sounds on their dry erase boards, then begin clicking on answers one by one.  Students can self check and get excited as they see that their answers match the correct answers on the PowerPoint presentation.

FREE Ending Sound PowerPoint Game from The Curriculum Corner 2

This game focuses on ending sounds in words.  Correct answers are praised with a “Good Job!” smiley face slide.  A click on the words takes the user to the next slide.

Incorrect responses take users to a “Try again.” slide.  Clicking on those words will take them back to the original picture to try again.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for the slides to transition correctly, you (or the students) MUST click on the underlined words on the slide as they are the parts that are hyperlinked to the correct answer slide/next slide.  Any clicks outside the words will move them to the following slide in the presentation, which may or may not be correct.

To play independently, students need to click on the word “HERE” on the first slide where it says “Click Here to Start”.  This will take them to the Directions slide, which will most likely need to be read to them.  Keep this fact in mind for independent practice and also remind them of the important note above.  You may want to discuss directions and show the class what to do before sending them to their centers.

The game is created so that the final slide is linked to return to the first slide.

You can download this language arts game here:

Ending Sound PowerPoint Game

**Once you have downloaded your game, you will need to open it and click on “Enable Editing” at the top.  Then you will need to click on the “Read Only” copy to start the PowerPoint. **

You will need the following KG Font for your game to display correctly: KG Neatly Printed (We have a commercial use license for ourselves, you will just need to download the free version!)

If you have ideas for new skills you would like to see games created for, please share in the comments below or send us a message. We want to make sure the games we are creating will fit what teachers need in the classroom.


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Anissa Pertiwi

Sunday 15th of November 2020

Thank you very much for this. I will use it to teach my students


Friday 18th of January 2019

It will not allow me to save this to my desktop. I keeps telling me I need a password. I have downloaded ans saved the pp on middle vowel sounds be this one is not letting me save.

Jill & Cathy

Monday 4th of February 2019

Hi Kristen, Sorry this was confusing. Once you click on the link and open/save the document to a folder you will click on "Enable Editing" and the click on Read Only to get to the PowerPoint. The slides are protected because of the clip art we have used, but you can still download the game and have it work in the Read Only format.


Saturday 29th of December 2018

Can you made this editable?

Jill & Cathy

Thursday 10th of January 2019

So very sorry, Ashley, but because of the clip art we are not able to make this editable. :(

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