These free kindergarten sub plans have been created by The Curriculum Corner and are perfect for when that unexpected absence pops up!

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.
After creating the initial set of sub plans for each grade, we decided it would be helpful to add a second day.
This post shares our kindergarten grade sub plans.
You can download the entire, free set of kindergarten sub plans by clicking on the bold, green title at the bottom of this post.

Many of these resources have farm clip art. Some of the activities include books with farm animals as characters or topics.
These lessons, activities and practice pages that are a part of our kindergarten sub plans meet many standards for kindergarten classrooms.
Setting up your Sub Plans
To make these emergency plans work in your best interest, plan ahead!
Type up your plans & directions and print these materials in advance. When you do need to call in, you can avoid driving to school in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately we all know what that’s like and it’s no fun!
Put your plans and everything a guest teacher will need into a tub and mark it clearly with the words “Sub Tub”.
You can ask a colleague to go into your classroom to help you out. All they will need to do is locate your Sub Tub for your guest teacher.

Our goal for these kindergarten sub plans was to create activities that could act as review since these need to be applicable at any point in the year. You never know when you might need them!
Find Your Number Match
For this activity we have provided four types of cards – numerals, number words, objects and dice.
Choose the types and number of cards to match the number and needs of the students in your class.
Cards are handed out to students and their task is to find one or more classmates who match the card they are holding.
You might even want to print them all and have your guest teacher play a few different versions of this.
Print, cut and laminate the cards and place them in a baggie in your Sub Tub.

Number Order Activity
Use the numeral cards above and have students put themselves in order.
We have included additional numeral cards (21-30) in case you have more than 20 students in your classroom.
Roll & Make a Ten Activity
If you are preparing your Sub Tub ahead of time, you can copy and staple mini-booklets with the half pages provided so that students have five or six pages to complete in their booklets.
Put the stapled booklets into a baggie along with enough dice for each student.
If you are preparing these plans at the last minute, we have a full page version that can be printed and copied back to back that also includes a number bond fill-in.
Print additional copies for students who finish quickly and the guest teacher can provide more pages.
Extra Practice Pages
We have provided four extra math practice pages to copy and place in your Sub Tub for time fillers if necessary.
There are two pages that involve counting to 20, a comparing numbers page and a counting on page.
Fiction Graphic Organizers
We have created three different graphic organizers that can be used with any fiction book. If you would like to keep with the farm animal theme, the book Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type or Giggle, Giggle Quack by Doreen Cronin are great choices.
The organizers address main character, setting and favorite part.
The guest teacher reads aloud the book and then works with students to model how to complete the graphic organizer(s).
If this is later in the year, you could copy the main character and setting organizers back to back for students so that they do both during their independent reading time with any fiction book they are reading.
Copy the set(s) of fiction graphic organizers you want the teacher to model & students to complete and place them in your Sub Tub with a book of your choice.
Informational Text Graphic Organizers
If your students are currently involved in more nonfiction texts, you may want your guest teacher to read aloud an informational text about a farm or farm animal (or another topic) and model how to fill out this graphic organizer.
Students simply share and draw a picture of something they learned.
Copy the set of the informational text graphic organizers for the teacher to model & students to complete and place them in your Sub Tub with a book of your choice.

Repetitive Booklet
There are two versions of this booklet. One that has the words and requires students to illustrate to match the words. The other already has the illustrations and is for reading practice only.
Students simply color the illustrations.
Again, you can print and staple these books ahead of time or leave them as full sheets for the students to cut apart and the guest teacher to walk around and staple during the activity.
Act It Out
This game is easy and fun for a guest teacher.
It addresses the nuance between words that have similar meanings.
The teacher simply holds up a word card and tells students to act it out. Once all three related words are acted out, the guest teacher can discuss the difference between the three and how the students were able to show the difference in their actions.
Print and cut apart word cards for your Sub Tub.
Cut & Paste Word Family Sort
Students cut apart the word boxes and paste them under the correct word family.
We have created two different versions.
Simply leave directions for the guest teacher in your plans, along with where they can locate scissors and glue in your classroom.
Writing Prompts
We have created three simple picture writing prompts.
You can allow students to choose their own or assign the same one to all members of the class.
Just be sure to leave enough sets in your Sub Tub. Students write a sentence or two about the picture and then color it.
We like the idea of having the guest teacher model an example with the class before students are set off on their own.
We have also provided an additional blank template in case you would like to assign a topic of your choice – either with a farm or farm animal theme or something completely different.
Here is a link to some various blank books and lined paper in case you have something different and more open-ended in mind. It never hurts to have a stack of lined paper ready for a time-filler writing activity in your room! Blank Books & Papers
Farm Word Sort
This set of cards can be printed and laminated for a sort.
Print enough picture cards for each small group in your classroom and copy a set of the recording page for students to describe their sorting ideas.
Label the Picture
Labeling pictures is great for writing and science.
Have your students work in pairs to label the parts they know and then have the guest teacher pull the class together to discuss the labels they chose.

You can download the complete set of Kindergarten Sub Plans here:
You might also like our editable substitute planning binder.
Here are a few of our favorites to help you set of your sub tub. Contains affiliate links.
As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!
You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Editable Substitute Planning Binder - The Curriculum Corner 123
Sunday 12th of March 2017
[…] Kindergarten Sub Plans […]
Carmen Davis
Tuesday 7th of March 2017
Sub Plans: How convenient! Thank you Curriculum Corner for the variety of ways that you support administrators and teachers. At Wilson School, we receive your emails which are loaded with a plethora of current information and resources. Thank you for your dedication and passion to education.
Carmen Davis, Principal of Wilson School